The Usual Bricks, a poem by Michael Channing

The Usual Bricks

by Michael Channing

rebuild from coffee up
the morning that collapsed
in a doomsday of bills and flat tires
missed deadlines and lost keys
the text from your ex cracked the old foundation
till it crumbled under the weight of importance
but rather than build back bitter
reconstruct from the fluff and fritter
of cream and sugar
the silence of no news
the wordle buttress the doughnut girders

is it strong enough
to hold back the swelling tide
of death and taxis

probably not

but yesterday and yesterday’s yesterday
the big bad wolf placed his halitosis curse upon you
and scattered all your usual bricks

We Tire of all the Little Battles

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Chokes and Warbles
Now Available

Chokes and Warbles, a collection of essays and poems by Michael Channing

August 23, 2024