cricket calliope
cotton candy
one horizon melted by the sun
row of flags fluttering over the lake
waiting for the skies to burst
burning my name in the air with a sparkler
feeding the ducks the crust of my sandwich
chasing pulsing orbs of yellow
pinch insects from the air
stuff them in a jar and tighten the lid
magic of my own
a jar of fire and life
shake away the darkness
with a fistful of amber explosions
granny calls and spreads a blanket
points at the firemen readying the rockets
i want to sit by the water
watch them put flame to the fuses
she wraps her bony fingers around my arm
jerks me to the blanket beside her
both smell like dust and cough drops
i cross my legs, rest my chin on the jar
granny pinches my cheek
punches my shoulder
and snakes away the glow-glass
freeing the captives with a twist
retreating stars
flee towards the blossoming sky
but one remains between granny's nails
blinks and buzzes and worries its wings
she smiles
and smears the firefly across my shirt
the streak of glowing guts lasts four seconds
The Best Year
My Five Favorite
Devil Tree
Darth Vaderdad