
Will-o'-the-wisp album cover
More Like Them
More Like Them from Will-o'-the-wisp by Michael Channing
i feel - i’ve done
not much of anything
i’m not - proud, i’m
just ashamed
Call/Response from Will-o'-the-wisp by Michael Channing
you feel unwelcome in your home and in your skin
the solitude of darkness is your one and only friend
Will-o'-the-wisp from Will-o'-the-wisp by Michael Channing
further into the woods
chasing that glittering glow
Semi-gloss from Will-o'-the-wisp by Michael Channing
the car – is breaking down
the fridge – is on the fritz
the job is still the job i took
when i was desperate
Dirty on the Inside
Dirty on the Inside from Will-o'-the-wisp by Michael Channing
my dream is a sparrow flying
Bottles and Spoons
Bottles and Spoons from Will-o'-the-wisp by Michael Channing
searching the ocean you dreamt of an island
you found it surrounded by bottles and spoons
Open a Window
Open a Window from Will-o'-the-wisp by Michael Channing
take your leave and leave no trace
nothing you've done, said, or made will remain
You Are Here
You Are Here from Will-o'-the-wisp by Michael Channing
there is no map for where i want to be
there are no road signs erected to guide me
lost but untethered, i’m loving the fear
the clouds look down on me and say “you are here”
Different Pane
Different Pane from Will-o'-the-wisp by Michael Channing
lean against me till the angles change
i'm looking out the window through a different pane
there and gone
flashes on blue

Springsteen from behind the stage

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Chokes and Warbles
Now Available

Chokes and Warbles, a collection of essays and poems by Michael Channing