unnamed angry woman album cover

Thank You
Thank You from unnamed angry woman by Michael Channing
thank you for hurting me
thank you for opening my skin
thank you for this wound
thank you for hitting me again
Lessons from unnamed angry woman by Michael Channing
my mother told me that i should keep still
when i'm sitting with my guests
Eyes of God
Eyes of God from unnamed angry woman by Michael Channing
give him some time they say to me give him some room
i guess enough to swing and miss
Static from unnamed angry woman by Michael Channing
the static in my head
the arctic in my bed
Ring from unnamed angry woman by Michael Channing
maybe i could pawn this ring
and buy myself away from you
Cubby from unnamed angry woman by Michael Channing
how could anything so small
be so strong
Pantheon of One
Pantheon of One from unnamed angry woman by Michael Channing
my voice comes from the thunder
my shadow from the moon
i eclipse your little world
i contain a multitude
Fuck You
Fuck You from unnamed angry woman by Michael Channing
fuck you for loving me
fuck you for making me feel safe
fuck you for this home
fuck you for finding me a place

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Chokes and Warbles
Now Available

Chokes and Warbles, a collection of essays and poems by Michael Channing