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Michael Channing

i was thinking i
would swallow this ring
form a pearl in my chest
or maybe tie
it to the string
of a yellow balloon
watch it disappear in the mist

i know i said
till death do us part
but this marriage and
our love and my heart
are all dead

maybe i could pawn this ring
and buy myself away from you
bite bloody through
my excuses
before they can leave this traitor tongue
or just pack my bags
and wash my hands
roar like a mouse
and tape the ring
to the steering wheel
of your rundown truck
now parked outside her house

i know i said
till death do us part
but this marriage and
our love and my heart
are all dead

thank you for hurting me

Liner Notes

The central image of this song comes from someone I knew. She actually taped her wedding ring to her husband's truck while it was parked outside his mistress's house. Then she left him. That took guts.

The chorus is dark, nihilistic, but I love the ryhthm and rhyme scheme of it.

The Ties that Bind, the Bonds that Break

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Chokes and Warbles
Now Available

Chokes and Warbles, a collection of essays and poems by Michael Channing

September 14, 2018